- 《Academic Questions》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0895-4852
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Current Abstracts, EBSCO, ERIC System Databas
- 学科分类:社会学 教育学 文学
- 简介:Academic Questions, the official journal of the National Association of Scholars, takes advantage of...
- 简介:Academic Questions, the official journal of the National Association of Scholars, takes advantage of the best scholarly analysis to explore the vices, as well as the virtues, of the contemporary university. A journal dedicated to strengthening the integrity of scholarship and teaching, Academic Questions examines issues that arise from the interplay among politics, ideology, scholarship, and teaching in higher education. Among the questions explored in the journal are the maintenance of scholarly standards, the quality and even-handedness of peer review, the preservation of intellectual tolerance and civility on campus and within academic associations, and the relationship between government and education. A critique of the academy by academics themselves, Academic Questions upholds the traditions of humanism and intellectual freedom.
- 出版地: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.;Van Godewijckstraat 30;Dordrecht 3311 GZ;Netherlands
主题范围: Peer reviewed articles examining: the integrity of scholarship and teaching; the interplay between politics, ideology, scholarship, and teaching in higher education; the maintenance of scholarly standards; and the quality of peer review.-
- 来源数据库:
- Professional Development Collection (1965—)
- Academic Source Premier
- SpringerLink电子期刊及电子图书 (1997-,部分从创刊/首卷开始 多出版类)
- Springer Online Archive Collections(OAC)--Springer回溯数据库