- 《International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1433-2833
- 核心刊:;Scopus;Ei Compendex(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, Comput
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.846;2017:1.298;2016:0.902;2015:0.885;2014:1;2013:0.857;2012:0.8;2011:0.405;2010:1.03;2009:1.213;2008:0.909;2007:0;
- 学科分类:建筑
- 简介:Sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition, this journal is focused on publi...
- 简介:Sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition, this journal is focused on publishing articles that cover all areas related to document analysis and recognition. This includes contributions dealing with computer recognition of characters, symbols, text, lines, graphics, images, handwriting, signatures, as well as automatic analyses of the overall physical and logical structures of documents, with the ultimate objective of a high-level understanding of their semantic content. The International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) publishes articles of four primary types: original research papers, correspondence, overviews and summaries, and system descriptions. It also features special issues on active areas of research. Currently indexed in:Academic Search Alumni Edition, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, Compendex, Compuscience, Computer Science Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing, and Technology, DBLP, Google, INSPEC, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC ArticleFirst Database, OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online, PASCAL, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded, Summon by Serial Solutions, TOC Premier.
- 出版地: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.;Van Godewijckstraat 30;Dordrecht 3311 GZ;Netherlands
主题范围: Presents original research papers, correspondance, overviews and summaries, and research notes related to the field of document analysis and recognition.-
- 来源数据库:
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- SpringerLink电子期刊及电子图书 (1997-,部分从创刊/首卷开始 多出版类)
- Ingenta Connect
- EBSCO检索平台