- 《IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications》
- 其它刊名:IEE Proceedings D - Control Theory and Applications
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1350-2379
- 学科分类: 建筑
- 简介:IEE Proceedings Control Theory & Applications is devoted to control systems in the broadest sense, c...
- 简介:IEE Proceedings Control Theory & Applications is devoted to control systems in the broadest sense, covering new theoretical results and the applications of new and established control methods. Among the topics of interest are system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and practical implementation (including transducers, actuators and online computers). The scope encompasses technological, economic, physiological (biomedical) and other systems, including man-machine interfaces.
- 出版地: Institution of Engineering & Technology;Institution of Engineering & Technology;Michael Faraday House;Six Hills Way;Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY
主题范围: Topics inlcude Control systems; system modelling, design & implementation; identification; simulation; technological systems; economic systems; physiological systems; robotics; process control-
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