- 《Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1568-7759
- 核心刊:;Scopus;A&HCI艺术人文引文索引(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, CSA/Proquest, Current Ab
- 周期:季刊
- 学科分类:哲学
- 简介:Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences is an international journal that offers a forum for illumin...
- 简介:Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences is an international journal that offers a forum for illuminating the intersections between phenomenology, empirical science, and analytic philosophy of mind. The journal builds bridges between continental phenomenological approaches in the Husserlian tradition and disciplines that have not always been open to or aware of phenomenological contributions to understanding cognition and related topics. The journal presents work by phenomenologists, scientists, and philosophers who study cognition. In addition the journal offers discussion of methodological issues involving the variety of approaches appropriate for addressing these problems. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences provides critical review articles that address recent work in areas relevant to the connection between empirical results in experimental science and first-person perspective.
- 来源数据库:
- SpringerLink电子期刊及电子图书 (1997-,部分从创刊/首卷开始 多出版类)
- Kluwer电子期刊 (1997-)
- Ingenta Connect
- Springer Online Archive Collections(OAC)--Springer回溯数据库
- Ovid检索平台