- 《FEMS Microbiology Reviews》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0168-6445
- 核心刊:;ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2009: 6/94 (Microbiology);Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2009: 6/94 (Microbiology);SCIENCE C
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:11.524;2017:11.392;2016:12.198;2015:13.687;2014:13.244;2013:13.806;2012:13.231;2011:10.96;2010:11.796;2009:9.783;2008:7.963;2007:9.25;
- 学科分类:
- 简介:As one of the five FEMS Microbiology, free to publish, print and online journals, FEMS Microbiology ...
- 简介:As one of the five FEMS Microbiology, free to publish, print and online journals, FEMS Microbiology Reviews offers thorough review and publication of high-quality review papers that are original, in their approach and are dedicated to topics of current interest. The Editors of FEMS Microbiology Reviews aim to publish reviews dealing with all aspects of microbiology that have not been surveyed recently. They should be devoted to topics of current interest and may be of a speculative and selective nature or they may provide comprehensive, critical and authoritative coverage. Reviews should provide new perspectives and critical, detailed discussions of significant trends in the areas being reviewed. Historical analyses of important subjects will also be accepted. All reviews should address both specialists and the general reader. Whenever possible, reviews should be put into the framework of general microbiology and biology. Manuscripts of lectures delivered at symposia that do not review the related field are not acceptable, nor are unevaluated compilations of the literature. The editorial policy for FEMS Microbiology Reviews states that all submitted papers should be complete in themselves. Members of the Editorial Boards and other appropriate experts will referee the papers. Editors handling papers will independently make decisions on acceptance, revision or rejection based on the referees’ reports. The Chief Editors or Editors will usually reject papers outside the scope of the journal with an immediate decision. Authors who feel that there are substantial grounds for disagreement with an Editor’s decision should contact the Chief Editor, whose decision will be final. Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript (at any stage of the process) should contact their Editor. Review articles for FEMS Microbiology Reviews are usually solicited from international leading investigators by one of the Editors. However, if you think your review (or your idea for a review) is of exceptional quality, then FEMS Microbiology Reviews invites you to send your proposal to the Chief Editor or one of the Editors with appropriate interests. Authors are encouraged to contact Editors directly by e-mail.
- 出版地: Wiley-Blackwell;9600 Garsington Road;Oxford OX4 2DQ
主题范围: Covers the entire field of microbiology with an emphasis on topicality and readability.-
- 来源数据库:
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- Elsevier ScienceDirect (1995-)
- Wiley Online Library (1997-)
- EBSCO检索平台
- Ingenta Connect
- ProQuest检索平台
- eBook collection on EBSCOhost
- Oxford Journals
- Ovid检索平台
- Ovid医学数据库