- 《Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IET》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1751-8687
- 学科分类:理学 通信 电子
- 简介:IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution is intended as a forum for the publication and discussio...
- 简介:IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution is intended as a forum for the publication and discussion of current practice and future developments in electric power generation, transmission and distribution. Practical papers in which examples of good present practice can be described and disseminated are particularly sought. Papers of high technical merit relying on mathematical arguments and computation will be considered, but authors are asked to relegate, as far as possible, the details of analysis to an appendix. The scope of the journal includes the following: Design of transmission and distribution plants; Operation and control of power generation; Power system management and planning; Power system operation and control; Power system measurement and correction; Computer applications and computational intelligence in power flexible AC transmission systems.
- 出版地: Institution of Engineering & Technology;Institution of Engineering & Technology;Michael Faraday House;Six Hills Way;Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY
主题范围: Serves as a forum for the publication & discussion of current practice & future developments in the electric power generation, transmission & distribution.-
- 来源数据库:
- IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) (1988-(部分出版物1950-))
- Scitation (1893-)
- EBSCO检索平台
- Academic Source Premier
- Business Source Premier