- 《Cancer Causes and Control》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0957-5243
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, CAB Int
- 周期:月刊
- 影响因子:2018:2.3;2017:2.728;2013:2.961;2012:3.2;2011:2.877;2010:2.789;2009:3.199;2008:3.69;2007:3.279;
- 学科分类:
- 简介:Cancer Causes & Control is an international refereed journal that both reports and stimulates new av...
- 简介:Cancer Causes & Control is an international refereed journal that both reports and stimulates new avenues of investigation into the causes, control, and subsequent prevention of cancer. Its multidisciplinary and multinational approach draws together information published in a diverse range of journals. Coverage extends to variation in cancer distribution within and between populations; factors associated with cancer risk; preventive and therapeutic interventions on a population scale; economic, demographic, and health-policy implications of cancer; and related methodological issues.Cancer Causes & Control publishes original and review articles, hypotheses, comments, opinions, and letters which have direct relevance to researchers and practitioners working in epidemiology, medical statistics, cancer biology, health education, medical economics and related fields. The journal also provides significant information for government agencies concerned with cancer research, control and policy.
- 来源数据库:
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- SpringerLink电子期刊及电子图书 (1997-,部分从创刊/首卷开始 多出版类)
- Ingenta Connect
- JSTOR (1665-)
- Kluwer电子期刊 (1997-)
- PubMed
- PHMC(ProQuest-Health & Medical Complete)
- Springer Online Archive Collections(OAC)--Springer回溯数据库
- ProQuest检索平台
- eBook collection on EBSCOhost
- Ovid检索平台
- Ovid医学数据库