- 《Organization Science》
- 其它刊名:ORGAN SCI
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1047-7039
- 核心刊:;Scopus;A类期刊;SSCI社科引文索引(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Arts & Sciences IV Collection;Business I Collection;For-Profit Academic Arts & S
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:3.257;2017:3.027;2013:3.807;2012:3.351;2011:4.338;2010:3.800;2009:3.126;
- 学科分类:经济学 管理学
- 简介:Organization Science is ranked among the top journals in management by the Social Science Citation I...
- 简介:Organization Science is ranked among the top journals in management by the Social Science Citation Index in terms of impact and is widely recognized in the fields of strategy, management, and organization theory. Organization Science provides one umbrella for the publication of research from all over the world in fields such as organization theory, strategic management, sociology, economics, political science, history, information science, systems theory, communication theory, artificial intelligence, and psychology.
- 出版地: INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research;7240 Parkway Drive Suite 310;Hanover Maryland 21076
主题范围: A multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about organizations.-
- 来源数据库:
- EBSCO检索平台
- Business Source Premier
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- JSTOR (1665-)
- Highwire Press (1995-)