- 《Cosmic Research (English translation of Kosimicheskie Issledovaniya)》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0010-9525
- 核心刊:;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020)
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.699;2017:0.444;2016:0.43;2015:0.61;2014:0.51;2013:0.348;2012:0.244;2011:0.387;2010:0.325;2009:0.366;2008:0.41;2007:0.368;
- 学科分类:天文学 兵器科学
- 简介:Cosmic Research publishes scientific papers covering all subjects of space science and technology, i...
- 简介:Cosmic Research publishes scientific papers covering all subjects of space science and technology, including the following: ballistics, flight dynamics of the Earth's artificial satellites and automatic interplanetary stations; problems of transatmospheric descent; design and structure of spacecraft and scientific research instrumentation; life support systems and radiation safety of manned spacecrafts; exploration of the Earth from space; exploration of near space; exploration of the Sun, planets, secondary planets, and interplanetary medium; exploration of stars, nebulae, interstellar medium, galaxies, and quasars from spacecrafts; and various astrophysical problems related to space exploration. A chronicle of scientific events and other notices concerning the main topics of the Journal is also presented.
- 出版地: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.;Van Godewijckstraat 30;Dordrecht 3311 GZ;Netherlands
主题范围: Publishes scientific papers covering all subjects of space science & technology.-
- 来源数据库:
- Academic Source Premier
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- SpringerLink电子期刊及电子图书 (1997-,部分从创刊/首卷开始 多出版类)
- Kluwer电子期刊 (1997-)
- Ingenta Connect
- Ovid检索平台