- 《Journal of Field Archaeology》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0093-4690
- 核心刊:;Scopus;A&HCI艺术人文引文索引(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX;Scopus;A&HCI艺术人文引文索引(美)(2018);A&HCI艺术人文引文索引(美)(
- 周期:双月刊
- 学科分类:历史学
- 简介:The Journal of Field Archaeology is a scholarly quarterly that publishes articles presenting the res...
- 简介:The Journal of Field Archaeology is a scholarly quarterly that publishes articles presenting the results of archaeological research worldwide, with no restriction regarding time period or cultural region. Articles range in topic from Palaeolithic campsites to a 19th-century sawmill, from food remains of prehistoric Mississippi to experiments in the technology of Classical Greece, from the use of satellite imagery in China to the sacred landscape of Oceania. The articles present original research on the analysis and interpretation of topography, architecture, features, artifacts, and more. The focus is on the results of research in the laboratory, the survey region, or excavation. The persuasions of archaeology represented include anthropological, biblical, classical, medieval, historical, and prehistoric. Other topics of major concern include ethics, the destruction of archaeological context, the illicit antiquities market, and the history of archaeology from the Renaissance to the present.
- 来源数据库:
- JSTOR (1665-)
- Taylor & Francis ST Journals (informaworld) (1997-)