- 《Optoelectronics, IEE proceedings》
- 其它刊名:IEE Proceedings H - Microwaves, Optics and Antennas; IEE Proceedings J - Optoelectronics
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1350-2433
- 学科分类:通信 物理学
- 简介:Topics covered in IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics include, but are not limited to: optical communica...
- 简介:Topics covered in IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics include, but are not limited to: optical communication systems; optical fibres, cables and connectors; light sources, optical modulation and multiplexing; optical amplifiers; photodetectors and optical receivers; optical information theory; guided optical waves and integrated optics; optical fibre sensors; theory, development and applications of lasers; nonlinear optics and optical computing; holography; displays; optoelectronic materials.
- 出版地: Institution of Engineering & Technology;Institution of Engineering & Technology;Michael Faraday House;Six Hills Way;Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY
主题范围: Topics include: optical communication systems; optical fibres, cables & connectors; light sources, optical modulation & multiplexing; optical amplifiers; photodetectors & optical receivers; optical information theory; guided optical waves, etc.-
- 来源数据库:
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) (1988-(部分出版物1950-))
- EBSCO检索平台