- 《IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation》
- 其它刊名:IEE Proceedings F - Communications, Radar and Signal Processing; IEE Proceedings F-Radar and Signal Processing
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1751-8784
- 核心刊:;Ei Compendex(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Ei Compendex(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2
- 周期:月刊
- 影响因子:2018:2.015;2017:1.837;
- 学科分类:电子 通信 控制科学 建筑
- 简介:IEE Proceedings Radar, Sonar and Navigation covers the theory and practice of systems involving the ...
- 简介:IEE Proceedings Radar, Sonar and Navigation covers the theory and practice of systems involving the processing of signals for radar, radio location, radio navigation and surveillance purposes. Examples of the fields of application include radar, sonar, electronic warfare, avionic and navigation systems. Processing directed towards the above application areas includes advances in matched filters and wideband signal correlation for radar and sonar systems; algorithms and processor designs for adaptive array; bearing estimation; range/Doppler radar and acoustic image processing operations for SAR, sonar, target identification functions, etc.
- 出版地: Institution of Engineering & Technology;Institution of Engineering & Technology;Michael Faraday House;Six Hills Way;Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY
主题范围: Examples of the fields of application include radar, sonar, electronic warfare, avionic & navigation systems.-
- 来源数据库:
- 国家科技图书文献中心文献检索
- EBSCO检索平台
- Business Source Premier
- Academic Source Premier