- 《College Mathematics Journal》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0746-8342
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 收录情况:Arts & Sciences II Collection;For-Profit Academic Arts & Sciences II Collection;
- 学科分类:数学
- 简介:The College Mathematics Journal emphasizes the first two years of the college curriculum. The journa...
- 简介:The College Mathematics Journal emphasizes the first two years of the college curriculum. The journal contains a wealth of material for teachers and students. A wide range of topics will keep you current, stimulated, and entertained.
- 出版地: Mathematical Association of America;1529 Eighteenth Street, NW;Washington District of Columbia 20036-1358
主题范围: Articles and expository papers involving all aspects of mathematics, history, philosophy, problem-solving, applications and computer-related mathematics for those interested in the earlier years of college mathematics.-
- 来源数据库:
- JSTOR (1665-)
- Ingenta Connect
- EBSCO检索平台
- Academic Research Library (ProQuest) (1971-)
- ProQuest Science Journals (1994-)
- ProQuest检索平台
- Socolar
- Taylor & Francis ST Journals (informaworld) (1997-)