- 《Genomics》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:0888-7543
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(201
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:3.16;2017:2.910;2016:2.801;2015:2.386;2014:2.284;2013:2.793;2012:3.01;2011:3.019;2010:3.327;2009:3.327;2008:3.075;2007:3.613;
- 学科分类:系统科学
- 简介:Genomics is a forum for describing the development of genome-scale technologies and their applicatio...
- 简介:Genomics is a forum for describing the development of genome-scale technologies and their application to all areas of biological investigation.As a journal that has evolved with the field that carries its name, Genomics focuses on the development and application of cutting-edge methods, addressing fundamental questions with potential interest to a wide audience. Our aim is to publish the highest quality research and to provide authors with rapid, fair and accurate review and publication of manuscripts falling within our scope. Topics within the scope of Genomics include, but are not limited to:? Genomics including genome projects, genome sequencing, and genomic technologies and novel strategies.? Functional genomics including transcriptional profiling, mRNA analysis, microRNA analysis, and analysis of noncoding and other RNAs using established and newly-emerging technologies (such as digital gene expression).? Evolutionary and comparative genomics, including phylogenomics? Genomic technology and methodology development, with a focus on new and exciting applications with potential for significant impact in the field and emerging technologies? Computational biology, bioinformatics and biostatistics, including integrative methods, network biology, and the development of novel tools and techniques? Modern genetics on a genomic scale, including complex gene studies, population genomics, association studies, structural variation, and gene-environment interactions? Epigenomics, including DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure, imprinting, and chromatin remodeling? Genomic regulatory analysis, including DNA elements, locus control regions, insulators, enhancers, silencers, and mechanisms of gene regulation? Genomic approaches to understanding the mechanism of disease pathogenesis and its relationship to genetic factors, including meta-genomic and the mode and tempo of gene and genome sequence evolution.? Medical Genomics, Personal Genomics, and other applications to human health? Application of Genomic techniques in model organisms that may be of interest to a wide audience.Genomics primarily publishes original research articles but also welcomes proposals for full-length and mini reviews. All submissions to Genomics are subject to rigorous peer review and our goal is to accept only the top 25-30% of submitted manuscripts. Please contact the Editorial Office with review proposals or any inquiries regarding the scope of the journal or the suitability of a manuscript for publication.
- 出版地: Academic Press Inc.;200 Wheeler Rd.;Burlington Massachusetts 01803
主题范围: Presents all aspects of human & mouse genetic analysis, functional genomics, identification of genes involved in disease & complex traits, novel gene discovery, higher order genome organization, chromosome structure, & genetic bases for human diversity.-
- 来源数据库:
- Elsevier ScienceDirect (1995-)
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