- 《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1447-6770
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SSCI社科引文索引(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX;Scopus;SSCI社科引文索引(美)(2018);SSCI社科引文索引(美)(2018);SS
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:2.496;
- 学科分类:经济学 体育学 管理学
- 简介:Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the official journal of CAUTHE (Council for Austral...
- 简介:Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the official journal of CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Inc.) The journal is committed to a broad range of topics including tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies and the emerging field of event management. It contains both theoretical and applied research papers, and encourages the submission of the results of collaborative research undertaken between academia and industry.
- 来源数据库:
- atypon Link
- Elsevier ScienceDirect (1995-)