- 《Iberoamericana (2001-)》
- 语言:外文
- ISSN:1577-3388
- 学科分类:文学 历史学
- 简介:IBEROAMERICANA: AM?RICA LATINA – ESPA?A – PORTUGAL is an interdisciplinary journal for literary stud...
- 简介:IBEROAMERICANA: AM?RICA LATINA – ESPA?A – PORTUGAL is an interdisciplinary journal for literary studies, history and the social sciences. It is jointly published by the Ibero-American Institute (Berlin), the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies (Hamburg) and the Iberoamericana/Vervuert publishing house (Madrid/Frankfurt am Main). IBEROAMERICANA appears quarterly and features the following four sections: ? Artículos y ensayos, presenting articles by acclaimed experts; ? Dossier, in which a specific topic is examined from an interdisciplinary perspective; ? Foro de debate, featuring current analyses, interviews and news briefs; ? Notas: Rese?as iberoamericanas, presenting reviews of recent publications
- 来源数据库:
- JSTOR (1665-)