- 《Ecological Economy》
- 其它刊名:生态经济(英文版)
- 语言:中文
- ISSN:1673-0178
- 主办单位:云南教育出版社有限责任公司
- 核心刊:;中国人文社会科学核心期刊(2018);
- 收录情况:中国人文社会科学核心期刊(2018)
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.0120;2017:0.1196;2016:0.2174;2015:0.2778;2010:0.2143;2009:0.1969;2008:0.1440;2007:0.0819;2006:0.0422;
- 学科分类:系统科学
- 简介:《生态经济》(英文版)(CN53-1197/F,ISSN1673-0178),在《生态经济》(中文版)基础上改版和创新,由云南教育出版社与四川理工学院合办,已于2005年1月创刊并出版发行。 《生态...
- 简介:《生态经济》(英文版)(CN53-1197/F,ISSN1673-0178),在《生态经济》(中文版)基础上改版和创新,由云南教育出版社与四川理工学院合办,已于2005年1月创刊并出版发行。 《生态经济》(英文版)以关注生态、服务经济为宗旨,关注生态与经济的可持续发展,以构建人与自然的和谐社会为己任,探索与研究人与自然,生态、生态(绿色)经济与生态(绿色)产业,人口、资源与环境,经济与社会的可持续发展,区域经济,西部大开发与三农问题等相关领域的理论、方法及技术创新,主要刊登以上领域观点新颖、思想深刻,且具有前沿性研究的科研论文、学术论文、研究成果,以推动该学科的发展。 本刊为季刊,16开,112页,每期定价20元,全国各地邮局均可订阅,邮发代号:64-50。本刊发行部长年办理补订、破订、零购业务。 Improved on the basis of the Chinese version Ecological Economy, the English version Ecological Economy (CN53-1197/F, ISSN1673-0178), is sponsored by Yunnan Education Publishing House and Sichuan University of Science & Engineering. The first issue of it has been published in January, 2005. With the tenet of concerning ecology and serving economy, aimed at constructing a harmonious society of man and Nature, the English version Ecological Economy focuses on the sustainable development of economy and the ecological environment, and puts attention on theories, methods and technical innovations concerning ecological/green economy and ecological/green industry. The sustainable development of economy and society, and the sustainable development of the population, resource and environment are also within the concern of the journal. Besides, the journal also has eye on the regional economy, Western Development, and issues concerning agriculture, countryside, and farmers. Devoted to boost the development of ecological economy, the Journal publishes original excellent research papers dealing with topics mentioned above, and reports the up-to-date progress in those fields all over the world. The journal is published with 210mm*285 paper quarterly. With 112 pages inside, the journal is priced at RMB 20.00, US$ 6.00., or €5.00 for each issue. The annual subscription can be made in post offices around the country. The domestic issue code is 64-50. The make-up annual subscription and subscriptions for certain issues can be made in the issue department of the journal all the year round. Besides, the issue department provides the retail service all the time.
- 来源数据库:
- 万方数据库-万方数字化期刊全文 (1998—)
- 维普中文科技期刊 (1989-)