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- 《Journal of Scientific Computing》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0885-7474
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;Ei Compendex(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Computer Abstracts Internation
- 周期:月刊
- 影响因子:2018:2.37;2017:1.814;2016:1.899;2015:1.946;2014:1.7;2013:1.698;2012:1.71;2011:1.557;2010:1.238;2009:1.707;2008:1.175;2007:1.293;
- 简介:Journal of Scientific Computing is an international interdisciplinary forum for the publication of papers on state-of-the-art developments in scientific computing and its applications in science and e...
- 《Journal of the American Mathematical Society》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0894-0347
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Arts & Sciences I Collection;For-Profit Academic Arts & Sciences I Collection;Ma
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:4.091;2017:4.625;2016:4.692;2015:2.836;2014:2.556;2013:3.061;2012:3.567;2011:3.841;2010:3.411;2009:3.411;2008:2.476;2007:2;
- 简介:The Journal of the American Mathematical Society, begun in 1988, is published quarterly. It contains research articles of the highest quality in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.
- 《Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0453-4514
- 学科分类:数学 工学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 主办单位:The Society
- 收录情况:Scopus
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2013:0;2012:0;2011:0;2010:0.118;2009:0.145;2008:0.196;2007:0.2;
- 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0035-9254
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2009: 43/100 (Statistics & Probability);Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2009: 43/100 (Statistics & Probabil
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:1.344;2017:1.750;2016:1.716;2015:1.354;2014:1.494;2013:1.418;2012:1.253;2011:0.828;2010:0.645;2009:1.06;2008:1.057;2007:1.362;
- 简介:The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics) is a journal of international repute for statisticians both inside and outside the academic world. The journal is concerned ...
- 《K-Theory》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0920-3036
- 学科分类:数学 物理学 工学
- 核心刊:;SCI科学引文索引;
- 影响因子:2013:0;2012:0;2011:0;2010:1.125;2009:0;2008:0;2007:0;
- 《Kyushu Journal of Mathematics》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1340-6116
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(201
- 周期:半年刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.432;2017:0.478;2016:0.375;2015:0.365;2014:0.364;2013:0.25;2012:0.359;2011:0.366;2010:0.366;2009:0.463;2008:0.341;2007:0.341;
- 《Law, Probability and Risk》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1470-8396
- 学科分类:法学 社会学 数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);SSCI社科引文索引(美)(2020);
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.821;2017:1.516;
- 简介:The journal publishes papers that deal with topics on the interface of law and probabilistic reasoning. These are interpreted broadly to include aspects relevant to the interpretation of scientific ev...
- 《Lecture Notes-Monograph Series》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0749-2170
- 学科分类: 数学
- 收录情况:Arts & Sciences VII Collection;For-Profit Academic Arts & Sciences VII Collectio
- 简介:The Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes–Monograph Series was first published in 1981. The series covers a broad range of topics in probability and statistics.
- 《Lettera Matematica》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:2281-6917
- 学科分类:
- 简介:Lettera Matematica is a quarterly journal that has the objective of discussing mathematics and the world that revolves around it, thereby embracing other fields of knowledge and engaging other scienti...
- 《Lifetime Data Analysis》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1380-7870
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:ABI/INFORM, Academic OneFile, Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Business Source, C
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.948;2017:1.000;2016:0.823;2015:0.81;2014:0.654;2013:0.536;2012:0.852;2011:0.915;2010:0.873;2009:0.783;2008:0.783;2007:0.491;
- 简介:... The only Journal devoted to Statistical Methods and Applications for Lifetime Data ...
- 《Lithuanian Mathematical Journal》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0363-1672
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Current Abstracts, Current Index to Statistic
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.566;2017:0.487;2016:0.5;2015:0.314;2014:0.667;2013:0.4;2012:0.346;2011:0.486;2010:0.486;2009:0.486;2008:0;2007:0;
- 简介:The Lithuanian Mathematical Journal publishes high-quality original papers mainly in pure mathematics. This multidisciplinary quarterly provides mathematicians and researchers in other areas of scienc...
- 《Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1995-0802
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Digital Mathematics Registry, Expanded Academic, Google Schola
- 周期:双月刊
- 简介:The journal publishes high quality research papers and reviews in every area of mathematics which are addressed to a broad readership. The journal covers the main mathematical areas: research articles...
- 《Logic and Analysis》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1863-3617
- 学科分类:数学
- 简介:Note: As of 2008 this journal is no longer published
- 《Math Horizons》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1947-6213
- 学科分类:数学
- 简介:Math Horizons is intended primarily for undergraduates interested in mathematics. Our purpose is to introduce students to the world of mathematics outside the classroom. Thus, while we especially valu...
- 《Mathematica Japonicae》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0025-5513
- 学科分类:数学