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- 《Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0231-6986
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 收录情况:Scopus
- 周期:半年刊
- 《Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0188-7009
- 学科分类:数学 物理学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Digita
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.857;2017:1.174;2016:0.643;2015:0.905;2014:0.568;2013:0.53;2012:0.584;2011:0.496;2010:0.491;2009:0.447;2008:0.396;2007:0;
- 简介:Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (AACA) publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research papers as well as expository and survey articles in the area of Clifford algebras and their applications to o...
- 《Advances in Fuzzy Systems》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1687-7101
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;
- 收录情况:Scopus
- 周期:不定期
- 《Aequationes Mathematicae》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0001-9054
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Current Index to Statistics, Digital Mathematics Registry, Gal
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.874;2017:0.644;2016:0.826;2015:1;2014:0.918;2013:0.549;2012:0.422;2011:0.511;2010:0.841;2009:0;2008:0;2007:0;
- 简介:aequationes mathematicae is an international journal of pure and applied mathematics, which emphasizes functional equations, dynamical systems, iteration theory, combinatorics, and geometry. The journ...
- 《Algorithms》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1999-4893
- 学科分类:数学 建筑
- 核心刊:;Scopus;Ei Compendex(2018);
- 主办单位:人民邮电出版社
- 收录情况:Scopus;Ei Compendex(2018)
- 周期:季刊
- 《American Journal of Computational Mathematics》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:2161-1203
- 学科分类:数学
- 主办单位:美国科研出版社
- 周期:季刊
- 《American Journal of Operations Research》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:2160-8830
- 学科分类:数学
- 主办单位:美国科研出版社
- 周期:双月刊
- 《Analysis in Theory and Applications》
- 语言:中文 ISSN:1672-4070
- 学科分类:
- 核心刊:;CSCD中国科学引文库(2019-2020);
- 主办单位:南京大学
- 收录情况:CSCD中国科学引文库(2020);CSCD中国科学引文库(2019);CSCD中国科学引文库(2018)
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.0083;2017:0.0571;2016:0.1048;2015:0.0885;2014:0.1019;2013:0.0625;2012:0.1092;2011:0.0672;2010:0.1416;2009:0.1078;2008:0.0495;2007:0.0625;2006:0.0909;2005:0.0602;2004:0.0513;2003:0.0190;2002:0.0211;2001:0.0205;2000:0.0088;1998:0.0246;1996:0.0088;1986:0.0313;
- 简介:主要读者对象为数学类高年级学生、研究生、数学教师、数学工作者以及理、工科有关研究方向的人员。
- 《Annals of Combinatorics》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0218-0006
- 学科分类:数学
- 核心刊:;Web of Science(2008), ISI JCR(2007);Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 主办单位:Birkh鑑user;Verlag
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Physical,
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.65;2017:0.568;2016:0.544;2015:0.407;2014:0.511;2013:0.455;2012:0.333;2011:0.324;2010:0.462;2009:0.679;2008:0.46;2007:0.585;
- 简介:Annals of Combinatorics (AC) presents outstanding contributions to combinatorial mathematics in all its respects. It highlights new developments in the field that have yet to be given proper recogniti...
- 《Annals of Operations Research》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0254-5330
- 学科分类:数学 工学
- 核心刊:;Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:ABI/INFORM, ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide, Academic OneFile, Academic Searc
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:2.284;2017:1.864;2016:1.709;2015:1.406;2014:1.217;2013:1.103;2012:1.029;2011:0.84;2010:0.675;2009:0.961;2008:0.619;2007:0.544;
- 简介:The Annals of Operations Research publishes peer-reviewed original articles dealing with key aspects of operations research, including theory, practice, and computation. The journal publishes full-len...
- 《Annals of PDE》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:2199-2576
- 学科分类:数学
- 简介:The principal goal of this journal is to publish articles of the highest scientific value concerning partial differential equations of broad, pure and applied interest. A second, but no less important...
- 《Archive for History of Exact Sciences》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:0003-9519
- 学科分类: 社会学 历史学 数学
- 核心刊:;Web of Science(2008), ISI JCR(2007);Scopus;SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);A&HCI艺术人文引文索引(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Astroph
- 周期:双月刊
- 影响因子:2018:0.706;2017:0.583;2016:0.308;2015:0.333;2014:0.455;2013:0.324;2012:0.514;2011:0.184;2010:0.4;2009:0.667;2008:0.4;2007:0.536;
- 简介:The Archive for History of Exact Sciences casts light upon the conceptual groundwork of the sciences by analyzing the historical course of mathematical and quantitative thought and the precise theory ...
- 《Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1134-3060
- 学科分类:数学 工学 建筑
- 核心刊:;Scopus;Ei Compendex(2018);SCIE(科学引文索引)(美)(2020);
- 收录情况:Academic OneFile, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, Curre
- 周期:季刊
- 影响因子:2018:7.242;2017:6.605;2016:5.061;2015:4.214;2014:3.68;2013:4.136;2012:2.931;2011:2.767;2010:2.76;2009:1.64;2008:2.227;2007:1.278;
- 简介:new journal
- 《Arnold Mathematical Journal》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:2199-6792
- 学科分类:数学
- 简介:This journal presents interdisciplinary results in mathematics, in a style that is understandable and always interesting. Articles use formal and informal approaches to express sophisticated concepts,...
- 《Asian Journal of Algebra》
- 语言:外文 ISSN:1994-540x
- 学科分类:数学